
Thursday 8 December 2016

Hour of Coding

Hour of Coding

Yesterday we done hour of code it is when we code there is Star Wars, Minecraft, Moana and I learnt how to program my charter and I had to use specific directions the Moana one was easy and the other too were kind of hard we also done it with our buddy class and if we finshed we got a certificate and here are the photos

Image result for Minecraft code
This is the Minecraft Coding game

Image result for Moana code
This is the Moana Coding game

\Image result for Star wars code
This is the Star wars Coding game
Image result for certificate
And this is the certificate that we got and I was proud of myself because I finished the Minecraft code.  

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Survival kit

Survival kit

Hey guys Room 14 were making a survival kit for any emergency like earthquakes, Tsunami,   but this one is mostly for earthquakes.

This is my Survival kit made for earthquakes.

This is my survival kit it is a bit blurry you can design your own  survival kit but you can copy my one if you can see it.   

Monday 21 November 2016

Healthy Snack

Healthy Snack 

Last week on Friday we done healthy day first we had to make a healthy snack so we made a fruit parfait with some other healthy food.

First you need a cup then once you got the cup (Any type of cup) then you need to cut up and type of fruit you want and as many fruit as you want then you put some fruit in the bottom of the cup then you need some yogurt put it in the cup above the fruit then you can put some nuts in it if you are allergic to nuts you can put in some Weet-Bix and that is how you make a fruit parfait.

Image result for fruit parfait

This is one photo but we did not make it like this is was different to our one.



Wednesday 16 November 2016

Shot Put

Shot put 

Hey guys today we went to learn hot to do shot put and and if you want to to learn how to do shot put or be better at shot put read the hole blog post and this is the skills you will need.
  1. Hold the ball

      2. If you are a right handed you put the ball at your right side of your neck (The same if you are left handed.)

      3. You need to hold the ball by your fingers and put it on your neck like step 2 (Dirty fingers Dirty Neck Clean palm.)

      4. Your feet have to be facing right if you are a left handed your feet have to be facing left but you body has to be facing straight.

      5. Then you have to push the ball not throw the ball.

Now you are complete you can now do shot put and you can be a pro at shot put and show off to your friends and beat them at the game.

This is me pushing the shot put.


Wednesday 9 November 2016

New world

New World

Today we went to new world to learn how read labels and to make healthy lunch it was a competition we went in groups of 4 it was fun we were about to walk to new world but it started to rain so some people went in the school van and some people when in the parent helpers.


This is a photo of someone writing down vegetables we had two sides one of the sides is the label reading and the other side you have to write down vegetables. it say breakfast and other stuff you have to pick to two cereals and then you have to see witch one is better and witch one is worse. The other side you had to write down vegetables fruit.

Once you are reading the label first you have to look for the per 100 then you have to look under the per 100 then you look for what you are looking for.

New world

New World

Today we went to new world to learn how read labels and to make healthy lunch it was a competition we went in groups of 4 it was fun we were about to walk to new world but it started to rain so some people went in the school van and some people when in the parent helpers.


This is a photo of someone writing down vegetables we had two sides one of the sides is the label reading and the other side you have to write down vegetables. it say breakfast and other stuff you have to pick to two cereals and then you have to see witch one is better and witch one is worse. The other side you had to write down vegetables fruit.

Friday 23 September 2016

Peace Child Reflecction

Peace Child Reflection

This is about the peace child and I have reflected how I felt during the production and you can read it and see how I felt and there is other stuff. 

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle!!

Hey this is how to be healthy and there is some thing you might not know so if you want to know just keep reading this.

Fizzy Drinks have... 8 teaspoons of sugar that is how much Fizzy drinks have in them, you can see in the first box on the top. 

If you think that you are loosing wight by not eating you are gaining wight because your body does not know when you are going to eat so it stores the fat into you eat again.

If you think you are being healthy by drinking 1 glass of water you are not because you should be drinking 8 glass of water.

"Oh i'm being healthy by eating one fruit and one vegetable!" NO people NO you are not being healthy by eating one fruit and vegetable you have to eat 5+ a day you also need to exercise daily😎.

Eat food regularly because it give you energy and to eat as much as your palm can hold but only Fruit, Protein and Vegetables.
Image result for 5+ a day

Hope you have learnt something thank you for reading the hole thing and again thank you so much. 


Monday 19 September 2016

How to be Sunsmart

How to be Sunsmart.

This is how to be Sunsmart so if you don't know how to be Sunsmart read this and after you have read this you will know how to be Sunsmart. 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Peace Child Poster

Peace Child 

Hope to see you there. But please do not bring child under 5.

Thursday 8 September 2016



Hey we had speech competitions on Wednesday but I did not want to go to the finals, so I told my teacher that I do not want to go to the finals. When we had the speech competitions on Wednesday it was AWESOME, and it toke a long time but some people did not have a loud voice and some had great speeches. So when we finished the judges went out to see who won, then the judges came back inside so they picked the winners and everyone was crossing there fingers. The judges said that their was two people that can 3 Vika and Fifita and 2 was Dinah and 1 DANAE and it was all room 14 students. YA Y

Friday 2 September 2016

Cross Country!

Cross Country!
Hey today was cross country it was fun we had to run a long way and this photo is me running. At the beginning I almost fell over some people did fall over and some people banged into a pole but it was so so hard. I didn't come 1,2 or 3 place but it is not about winning it is about having fun and try your best that is why it is called fun run. I am proud of my self.

Thanks for looking at my blog post.


Wednesday 10 August 2016


Hi today we done BASKETBALL it was awesome we had a lot of fun the coaches were funny.

This is when he leant 3 pass it was funny and fun at the same time this was over head pass.

This is the chest pass you have to pass the ball from your chest that's why they call it chest pass.

There is another pass but there is no picture so I'm just going to tell you the name it is bounce pass you have to aim at the ground and your team mate then you have to throw the ball. There is some thing else and it is beef in your head you are say what about beef you are making me hungry but it stand for (Balance, Eye, Elbow, Follow through.)

And this is the shooting session it was a lot of fun because I got to make my shooting better and we had a lot of fun and what made it fun was that we had a competition it was Girls VS Boys and the sad thing was that the boys lost that competition.    


Tuesday 2 August 2016

Hearing Session

Hi today Room 14 done a session about HEARING it was great fun.

I am going to tell you what I learnt what you should do and should not do

When you  hear loud stuff your hear cells will vibrate and if it is over 85 DB you can be deaf.

If you hear music super loud your hair cells will get damaged your hair cells as you see in the line up top. 
If you don't want to damage your hair cells and not be deaf there is three way you can do that down blow you will see.

1. In the car if the music is to loud you can put it down or just turn it off.

2. If there is someone mowing the grass you can walk away.

3. If you are  going to a conceit you can wear something that can block out all the loud screaming and loud music like ear plugs. 


Monday 1 August 2016

Math PVW Place Value War

Math PVW Place Value War
This is Place Value War it is a math game it is alot of fun the rule will be down below  

You need two or more people playing

Then you need cards you can give 5 card or more to each person playing

If you have the highest is the WINNER then they get all the cards people used 

But you can't look at the card and pick the highest card you need to shuffle the cards and the pick the one from the top.

Once the person puts the card down the person has to say 10s then 1s

ex: 3 hearts 3 10's then 2 hearts 2 1's 

It is a really fun game.  

Math PVW Place Value War

Math PVW Place Value War
This is Place Value War it is a math game it is alot of fun the rule will be down below  

You need two or more people playing

Then you need cards you can give 5 card or more to each person playing

If you have the highest is the WINNER then they get all the cards people used 

But you can't look at the card and pick the highest card you need to shuffle the cards and the pick the one from the top.

It is a really fun game.  

Thursday 7 July 2016

This is my slide about the Zoo trip it was AWESOME cause I got to see my favourite animal and some from around the world. 

Monday 4 July 2016

Seem's Komodo dragon

This is my Komodo Dragon it has facts about Komodo Dragons.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Samoan Language Week


We had Samoan Language week, If you keep read on you will see pictures and what we done at Samoan language week.

We also had our teacher's mum come and answer some of our question. 

This is the name they used for the actives.

This was the next thing we did it involved coconut they used something metal they scarped off the white thing in side the coconut.

After the coconut we went and saw some jewellery from Samoa they had some fancy stuff and they had hats.

After the jewellery we saw how they ate the cream from something it was petty cool how they ate the cream it was a lot of fun there. 



Monday 27 June 2016

Pablo Picasso

So this is my Pablo Picasso art reflection, It tells you about abstract and what abstract is. I have tooken a photo of my art I hope you like my reflection :).

Friday 24 June 2016

Digital footprint

This is my Digital footprint it has fact about how old you have to be to have apps. It has some fact about what you should not do online. 

Wednesday 22 June 2016

EOTC Week Diary.

Hey :), This is my EOTC Week it was AWESOME I had a lot more time to hang out with my friends and went to places that I have not been.